Drive Safely
- Road Safety is our own responsibility
Pemotong 'Q' : Kurang sabar & kurang ajar
Jika anda sedang berbaris untuk membayar tol ataupun sedang menunggu giliran untuk bergerak di lampu trafik, adakah anda berasa marah jika ada orang yang memotong ‘Q’?
Jika anda tidak menyukai kelakuan sebegitu, elakkan dari melakukan tabiat buruk itu. Hanya mereka yang biadap akan memotong‘Q’. Tindakan memotong ‘Q’ mementingkan diri sendiri.
Pastikan anda mengikut giliran kerana ia mencerminkan pemandu yang prihatin.
Car Engine Maintenance Tips
Having an efficient car engine makes all the difference if you want your vehicle to perform at its very best all the time. It is not merely just changing the lubricant at periodic intervals which is good but would not be sufficient. Besides the lubricants, there are other aspects that need to be looked into.
If you look into your engine, there are several rubber drive belts that seem to connect various parts of the engine. Because they are made of rubber, there will be high chances of them suffering wear and tear. If you drive your vehicle a lot, then you can expect these rubber belts to perish over time. The timing belt and accessory drive belt must be changed at certain intervals. This is to ensure that they perform optimally without risk of them breaking. They should be checked every 50,000 kms and then changed at around 80 to 100k.
Oils and levels
If you are going to check your lubricant level, then you have to ensure a few things. First, your car should be parked at a level ground. Then, your engine needs to be cooled down. There is no point checking the lubricant level right after driving as it would return an inaccurate result. Your oil level should be at least in the middle of the 2 points (max and min). If it is at the minimum level, then you will have to top it up, ensuring you are using the right type of oil.
Tyre Pressure
This is perhaps something you would have heard of many times. Your tyre pressure ensures the vehicle moves efficiently. You should ideally be checking your tyre pressure once a week. This is because if the tyre pressure is bad, then it means your engine needs to work extra in order to move the vehicle efficiently. As a result, it will affect your fuel economy.
This is something which many would often forget or overlook. The coolant plays a crucial role in ensuring that your engine does not overheat. If you plan to check the radiator cap, NEVER open it when the engine is still hot. You can do this only in the mornings before you start the car or when the car is cooled down. Meanwhile, check the spare bucket to ensure you have enough coolant. The rule of thumb is to have at least half of the bucket filled. If it is not, buy a bottle of coolant, fill the bucket with the liquid and top it up with water.
Malaysia Car Manufacturers staying ahead with safety features
Automobiles are a part and parcel of our everyday life. Nowadays you will find a number of companies selling their product which make it very difficult for an average consumer to make the best choice.
Car manufacturers are continuously thriving to provide its customers the latest luxury and comfort at competitive prices. You will find almost every automobile manufacturer is launching their new models every alternate month. All the upcoming car model boasts of some improved features and design because of the modern technological inventions.
Car Maintenance Tips
It is recommended that you should do proper market study before buying a new car model. Technology is changing fats and so is the performance offered by the vehicle as becomes extremely important to buy a car with latest technology in order to ensure improved performance and comfort factor.
Television is also a good source to gather knowledge about the latest improvement in the automobile industry. A number of news channels host dedicated shows which telecast the features and shortcomings of the latest car models by different manufacturers.
Finally we can conclude that future belongs to the company which produces cars which run on renewable sources of energy.
8 Petua Keselamatan Jalan Raya
1. Rancang perjalanan anda terlebih dahulu. Jika anda letih, mengantuk, mabuk atau tidak fokus, tangguhkan perjalanan anda.
2. Sentiasa ikut had laju yang ditentukan.
3. Berikan isyarat dan patuhi semua peraturan keselamatan semasa menukar lorong. Periksa cermin sisi dan cermin pandangan belakang sebelum melakukan pertukaran lorong.
4. Sentiasa patuhi peraturan jalan raya di simpang dengan berhenti apabila lampu isyarat merah atau kuning dan beri keutamaan kepada pejalan kaki.
5. Elakkan daripada mengekori kenderaan lain pada sepanjang masa kerana ini sering menjadi punca kemalangan yang serius.
6. Patuhi garis panduan keselamatan semasa memotong. Jangan memotong jika teragak-agak.
7. Jangan memotong barisan atau menyalahgunakan lorong kecemasan. Ia bukan sahaja biadap tetapi membahayakan semua pengguna.
8. Elakkan mencelah di antara kenderaan kerana ini membahayakan keselamatan anda dan orang lain.